7 Tips For Extended Job Search


Frustrations about the difficult job-search process have been shared with this blog by job seekers in Madrid, Rome and London as well as by unemployed friends in Chicago.  Some are frustrated, others are angry about the painfully long process.  Fortunately, none are giving up.  But they all seek signs of hope as well as tips on how to cope with the painfully slow process. 

Most economic indicators point towards a slowly improving job market in 2010, but job recovery is expected to lag other measures of economic recovery.  Recent conversations with several agency heads leads me to believe that PR opportunities may increase significantly in the new year.  At the PRSA Chicago meeting two weeks ago, all five agency leaders indicated their agencies are hiring new staff.  Similar optimism is being seen in other major markets.  From my vantage point, it’s a trickle, but a positive sign, nonetheless. 

Job seekers need to remain focused on their main goal.  Detours, of course, are to be expected since most people need to get a job in order to support themselves during their search for the job they really want. 

In today’s job market, it is important for job seekers to set the right expectations for their searches.  PR-related searches run between three and nine months for entry-level positions, while more senior positions can run a year or more. 

Here are seven tips that might help set expectations for an extended job search:

  1. Expect the search to take several months. . .or longer.
  2. Accept a job that pays bills, while continuing to focus on the job you want.
  3. Don’t apply for jobs that clearly aren’t at the right level for your experience. That includes applying for jobs under your skill set. 
  4. Networking leads to a majority of jobs that are being filled today.  Regularly update and expand your networking goals.
  5. Read at least one local newspaper a day.  Pay special attention to what’s happening at companies on your target list of prospective employers.
  6. Get together with others who also are seeking jobs.  Helping others with their resumes or interview skills pays personal and long-term dividends during these times. 
  7. Stay positive.  

One thought on “7 Tips For Extended Job Search

  1. These are some great suggestions. To expand on #4, I’ve found it particularly helpful to remain in touch with past interviewers for feedback and to keep me at the forefront of future openings; most are willing to provide suggestions for improvement in all aspects, especially for recent graduates.

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